Joint Rescue Coordination Center

Γραφείο Επιτρόπου Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα

    In the field of Search and Rescue, Mission Control Centres (MCCs) are a type of clearinghouse responsible for receiving and distributing distress signal alerts from distress radiobeacons. MCCs are a core component of the international satellite system for Search and Rescue.

    The functions of an MCC are:

    - to collect, store and sort the data from LUTs and other MCCs;

    - to provide international and national data exchange within the COSPAS-SARSAT System; and

    - to distribute alert and location data to associated Rescue Coordination Centres (RCCs) or SAR Points of Contact (SPOCs).

    After signing an agreement with Techno-Sciences Inc. the MCC hardware and software has been installed, the personnel training took place in early March 2015. Currently, the CYMCC is undergoing the D&E tests of the MEO system under the coordination of the SGDSP and Cospas-Sarsat.

    * The action is 95% co-financed by the External Borders Fund.


    Galileo's SAR is Europe's contribution to the COSPAS-SARSAT network. By enhancing COSPAS-SARSAT system with the coverage capacity of the Galileo Middle Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite constellation equipped with SAR transponders, Europe is contributing to the effort for the reduction of the detection delay of a distress signal, transmitted by a radio beacon, from several hours, to 10 minutes. By the end of 2018, the system will be further enhanced by the addition of the "Return Link Service" (RLS), making the person in distress aware that the transmitted distress signal was well received and acknowledged by the SAR authority and that help is on the way.

    Information about GALILEO SAR Services