On Friday the 24th of August, a meeting of the MaRITeC-X project team took place at the “ZENON” Coordination Center with the participation of the Commander of JRCC Larnaca. The MaRITeC-X project team is developing the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) that will be established in Cyprus. The participants were informed by Dr. Zacharias Shiokouros as well as by Dr. Nicolas Makris, Professor of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), for the excellent prospects of establishment of the Institute in Larnaca as well as its importance for the E. Mediterranean region on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus. During the meeting, the participants were also informed about the multiple benefits of the implementation of the Larnaca Municipality’s strategic plan “Blue Growth”. The meeting honoured with their presence the Mayor of Larnaca, Mr. Andreas Vyras and the Deputy Minister of Shipping, Mrs. Natasa Pilidou.
Addiotionally, the Team was informed about the capabilities of the JRCC and the “ZENON” Coordination Center regarding their role in the efforts of the Republic of Cyprus for establishment as marine safety provider in the E. Mediterranean.