Joint Rescue Coordination Center

Γραφείο Επιτρόπου Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα

The European Programs Department of JRCC is responsible for the managing:

a. The European Funds and Programmes, such as the European Internal Security Fund, and the grants provided by the countries of the European Economic Area and Switzerland though the European Funds Unit (MET) which is the Responsible Authority for Home Affairs Funds to support the aims of the national programme, developing an innovative system of security and surveillance in the Search and Rescue Region of Republic of Cyprus.

b. The EU Competitive Programmes such as «Horizon 2020» where we participate as an end-user in innovation and research programmes related to Search and Rescue operations.



A Grant Agreement was signed on 4 March 2024 between the European Funds Unit of the Home Office, as the Managing Authority of the Border Management and Visa Policy Financial Support Instrument (BMVI), and the Department for Transport, Communications and Works (MoS) - Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (RSRC) and the Ministry of Defence (Naval Command), acting as Beneficiary, for the implementation of the project "Maintenance of Surveillance Vessels", with funding from the European Union.

The objective of the project is to maintain the operational readiness of a total of two (2) large (over 60 meters) migratory surveillance vessels, which will greatly increase the Republic of Cyprus' maritime border surveillance capabilities.

Specifically, the project will involve the refuelling and recovery of the vessels, work on the hulls of the vessels, as well as the maintenance of their machinery and main engines.

The project is being implemented under the BMVI with 100% EU funding.



    JRCC has proceeded with the implementation of the project "JRCC RELOCATION ". The project includes the relocation of all the departments of the JRCC (JRCC Ops Room, Cyprus Radio and Cyprus Mission Control Center) from their existing location to new developed Installations on the site of the "ZENON" Coordination Center in order to achieve their immediate contact and co-operation.

    The JRCC considers that there will be significant benefits and improvement regarding the execution of its mission and especially in upgrading its operational capacity regarding the control and coordination of migration flows from crisis countries in the Middle East and more efficient handling of MRO incidents (Maritime or Air Accident, Refugees – Immigrants) in the framework of National Plan "TEFKROS"). The project is co-funded by European Union (Internal Security Fund-Borders and Visa) and the Republic of Cyprus. JRCC signed a funding agreement with the European Funds Unit.


    In order to improve the services and capabilities of the existing Coastal Surveillance System, JRCC seeks to implement the Phase III of the project aiming to expand the coverage to survey current un-observed areas improving the maritime border control capabilities, in order to upgrade its operational capacity regarding the control and coordination of migration flows. The project is co-funded by European Union (Internal Security Fund-Borders and Visa) and the Republic of Cyprus. JRCC signed a funding agreement with the European Funds Unit.

    High-Speed Vessels

    JRCC intends to purchase high-speed vessels seeking to increase the immediate response capabilities of the Search and Rescue Units of the Republic of Cyprus in and out of the territorial waters, in cases of emergencies arising from the migration flows in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The project consist the purchase of four (4) semi-inflatable SAR boats with specialized night observation equipment, which due to their flexibility, speed and observation capabilities will significantly reduce the response time to such high-risk situations which require rescuers to arrive on the scene in the shortest possible time, with increased capabilities during night conditions. The project is co-funded by European Union (Internal Security Fund-Borders and Visa) and the Republic of Cyprus. JRCC signed a funding agreement with the European Funds Unit.

    HORIZON 2020